

Kundalini Awakening


● Boosts life force energy

● Aligns to your core purpose

● Receive profound insights and deep knowing

● Releases deep emotional blockages, karmic and ancestral pains

● Experience deeper connection with self, the lightness and darkness of being

● Reconnects you to your inner truth, collapse timelines

● Shows us what needs to be healed

● Increase psychic abilities

Kundalini is also known as the ‘goddess power’ or the ‘serpent power’ located at the base of the spine. It is said to look like a coiled serpent, once awakened is like the key or the gateway to the high spiritual realm. The earliest mention of the practice was from a historical sacred Vedic collection dating back 1,000 – 500 B.C. When you tap into this energy it is said that you can gain profound insights, enhancing your understanding about yourself and others. Uncoiling the serpent awakens your Higher Self and accesses direct contact with the Divine. It is also said that it will expand the mind, enhance and develop your psychic awareness and strengthen intuition. Engaging the kundalini energises, cleanses and aligns the body centres or also known as ‘chakras‘ allowing you to manage everyday stress levels as a result you are able to face the day with much greater ease and flow.

Kundalini Dance

I invite you to a free flow movement and mindfulness dance exploring creative ways to with self-discovery and self-awareness through music, movement and impactful Kundalini meditation dance

Kundalini dance is a combination of various movement dance styles which has four stages. Moreover the dance movements are influenced according to the music being played. 

It utilises the conscious practise of movement from the set playlist and the sound waves patterns of the music tuning in, feeling in and responding to the vibrations of the music’s resonance to open up our body, mind and soul. With the guidance of the sound waves, we could tap subconsciously aligning the wisdom of the body to increase and expand conscious awareness to our internal and external world.

By applying the conscious breathing with free flow dance movement we align the body, mind, and spirit. 

Through aligning our breathing with the dance movements we build life force energy to circulate around our bodies. This helps us to regulate the unblock stagnant energy around our chakras and energy systems and the body then releases the physical tension so the mind can then relax and expand to transcendence. 

The intuitive flow of kundalini dance enhances ‘prana’ (life force energy), rejuvenates mind and body, while igniting Creative Spirit into full expression of Soul.

Kundalini Awakening Live and Online Sessions

$35 Online/ $53 Live

What will you receive during a session?

  • 15 mins Tibetan singing bowls (Live) or breath work (Online)

  • Chakra cleanse and balance

  • 60 minutes Kundalini activations

  • Aura cleansing

  • Sacred Sharing circle

  • Book a FREE 15 minute Chakra Reading within 72 hours of event                                                                                                                                     

The online sessions are 90 minutes and will be held via Zoom.
The live sessions are 2 hours. Spots are limited to 12 people. 

Afterwards, we share light healthy refreshments and a homemade nourishing soup to assist with your integration.

Kundalini Dance
Live and Online Sessions

$35 Online/ $59 Live

What will you receive during a session?

  • Kundalini Meditation

  • Guided 4 stage meditation dance

  • Sacred Sharing circle

The online sessions are 90 minutes and will be held via Zoom. 

The live sessions are 2 hours and will be held in a large, open space and timber floor, there is plenty of room to dance! 

Afterwards, we share light healthy refreshments and a homemade nourishing soup to assist with your integration.
