

Discover the joy of inner alignment radiating outward

about Joy Collection

Joy Collection are beautiful, fond memories and transformative practices that have impacted my life. Each offering within its collection reflects my profound connection to the services I proudly provide today. They are the very tools that liberated me from my difficult and painful challenges in life.

Exploring without boundaries to rediscover who you truly are, leads you back to your authentic self – a homecoming of the soul.
It represents breaking away from limitations to set yourself free from societal expectations and intergenerational pains, harnessing your inner strength to find the truth of your core essence.

Transformation opens the door to boundless possibilities, empowering you to pursue your dreams and prioritise what truly matters.

Like basking in the warmth of the sun, this journey illuminates your inner radiance, casting its brilliance upon your external being.

I made a decision to share my gifts to contribute to humanity by teaching the Joyful Calibration Method. My mission is to help you align to your Divine Soul Essence at a rapid rate so you can live fully and unapologetically as you. True alignment involves nurturing all facets of self – spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional.

I am Joy!

Hi! My name is Joy and I am a Kundalini activator, Reiki Master, an Inner Dance facilitator and a Yin Yoga teacher. My purpose is to help people find peace and balance through energy work and inner alignment. I will help you rediscover yourself, express your authenticity, find your truth through self love and acceptance so you can reach your highest potential. I have a vision to make people’s lives clearer and brighter by helping them open up through sound healing, music that alters brain wave patterns and a gentle touch that enhances to release trapped energies so they can feel good inside and out.

My Joyful Services

Chakra Balancing and Energy Healing

Chakra balancing and clearing aim to optimize the flow of energy within the body’s energy centers, known as chakras. It cleanses and aligns the body centres allowing you to manage everyday stress levels.This practice fosters deepening connections to Higher Self and consciousness. It supports holistic well-being by aligning all aspects of the self – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions. Ultimately, chakra balancing facilitates a harmonious and fulfilling life across promoting physical health, emotional stability, and mental clarity so you can live a life of ease and flow. Avaialble on group and one to one delivery, online and in person.

Yin Moon Circle

This is more than just a Yoga class…. 

Receive, Replenish & Restore your body, mind and spirit through deep relaxation and healing.Immerse yourself in this 2 full hours of Moon Yin Yoga Circle. Let’s harness the Moon’s energy New or Full for healing, heightened intuition, spiritual growth and manifestation.

1:1 Personalised Coaching

This service is designed to help you manage your day to day challenges or issues you are facing and is tailored specifically for you. I will provide you with the support that would be most suited for your situation so you will feel lighter and brighter so you can carry on with your day with ease. 

I coach by using these modalities: NLP, Voice dialogue, Core energetics, Reiki, Sound & Crystal healing, Visualisation, Chakra balancing & clearing, Rapid Results Coaching, Tailored Personalised Rituals and Dowsing by the use of Crystal quartz pendulum.

Kundalini Dance

Free flow movement and mindfulness dance exploring creative ways to self-discovery and self-awareness through music, movement and impactful Kundalini meditation dance. It is a combination of various movement dance styles which has four stages which enhance life force energy, rejuvenate mind and body, while igniting Creative Spirit into full expression of Soul. 


Step into a space of growth and discovery with our free workshops


3 Day Illumination Process: Head to Heart, A Journey to Inner Peace

This 3 day challenge is designed to help people overcome mental chatter and overwhelm that we all experience in our daily lives. It is an invitation to open our self awareness to observe and identify our thoughts patterns, inner dialogue and limiting beliefs and conditioning. Digging in deep to learn what they are, when they have started, what are the impacts and how it affects our lives.

journey through colours

This is a program based on awakening the seven chakra system through conscious movement, meditation, sound and music to allow you to open up so you can be guided by the Divine or your Higher Self. The practice is an initiation to connect to yourself so you can discover aspects of yourself, your soul’s signature colour, how it can heal the pain in your body, what it means and the teachings they hold.


This is a revolutionary program that works from the inside out through the soul’s creative expression, honouring your own uniqueness and mastering the embodiment practices. You will transform into a brand NEW you and live with total ease and flow, feeling light, relaxed and in top of the world!

My Joyful Events

Energy Healing

Makeup Tricks & Drinks
